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Our plans


Simple, low cost, high value, cancel anytime, --no hassle. Ever.


$ 0.00 USD
For novice writers to get started, billed annually or month-to-month.
Customized, user friendly story dashboard
Chat based story analysis
Unlimited Chats
5 Story Development Templates
Email Support
Get started


Best Seller
$ 9.99 USD
For professional writers, publishers, and creatives, billed annually or month-to-month.
Customized, user friendly story dashboard
Chat based story analysis
Unlimited Chats
10 Story Development Templates
Premium Support
Get started

Frequently asked questions

Here are a few questions, we've received so far from our storytellers.

What are the different pricing packages available on Story Genius?

We offer a range of pricing packages to meet the needs of users at different levels of experience and expertise. Our Basic Package is free, and includes access to a curated library of story prompts, a customizable dashboard, video tutorials and how-to guides, email newsletters and notifications, and access to a community forum or chat group. We also offer more advanced packages with additional features and benefits at different price points.

How do I upgrade my package on Story Genius?

We're constantly working to improve and expand our offerings, and we may introduce an upgrade feature in the future. In the meantime, we encourage users to sign up for the package that best meets their needs and goals, whether that's the Novice Package or the Pro Package.

What payment methods are accepted on Story Genius?

We accept a variety of payment methods, including major credit cards, PayPal, and bank transfers. To learn more about the payment options available to you, please visit our pricing page or contact our customer support team.

What happens if I cancel my subscription on Story Genius?

If you cancel your subscription on Story Genius, your account will be downgraded to the Basic Package, which is free to use. You will still have access to a curated library of story prompts, a customizable dashboard, video tutorials and how-to guides, email newsletters and notifications, and access to a community forum or chat group. However, you may lose access to some of the more advanced features and benefits available in our paid packages.